Opening Schedule of English Courses

In the table below is the opening schedule of courses taught in English. “X” denotes that the course weill be open at the given semester.


Obligatory courses



Winter Summer
4ST441 Statistical Methods and Capital Markets X
4ST608 Introduction to Financial and Insurance Mathematics X
4ST616 Regression X
4ST621 Probability and mathematical statistics I X
4ST624 Mathematical and probabilistic methods in life insurance X
4ST625 Probabilistic and statistical methods in non-life insurance X
4ST630 Probability and mathematical statistics II X
4ST631 Time series X

Other courses

Winter Summer
4ST650 Advanced Statistical Methods X
4ST632 Operational Risk
4ST644 Stochastic Processes and Risk in Finance and Insurance X
4ST622 Non-life Insurance Models X
4ST606 Real Data Analysis X
4ST611 Applied Multivariate Statistics X X